Vishnu Teraiya SEMCOM Apps

SEMCOM College 4.0
SEMCOM is a Premier Institute in VallabhVidyanagar in the state of Gujarat. The Institute is a part ofCharutar Vidya Mandal, one of the oldest and largest educationaltrusts of India. It has created its fame due to its innovativeapproach to education. It has several initiatives as "First of itskind" to its credit. It is a pioneer in E-commerce educationoffering "Master of E-Business" at the postgraduate level. Theprogram is a combination of MBA and E-commerce technologies. TheInstitute also offers undergraduate degree programs like BBA (Hons)Information Technology Management, BBA(General), BCA, B Com. Italso offers few Diploma programs - Diploma in Social MediaMarketing, Diploma in Computer-based Accounting, Diploma inNetworking, Diploma in Business Idea Generation and Development.The Institute has nearly 1000 students across programs. TheInstitute has very innovative activities such as, InternationalEducation Tours, Business Idea Contest, Green Business Fair,Technofest, Ad-making Contest, etc. The students, over the years,have established themselves across the globe. Many of them haveturned successful entrepreneurs.